Over the last week, there have been several high profile cases filed and resolved on the civil and criminal front across the country.
Reuters reports that Nike filed a lawsuit in Oregon against three of its former shoe designers who quit and began working for Nike’s competitor Addidas. Nike alleges that the three began consulting for Addidas while still working for Nike; copied computer files containing Nike’s documents including pictures of a shoe under development and took those to Addidas; then tried to conceal their actions by deleting emails and text messages from their cell phones and laptop computers.
Business Insider reports that a former Apple Global Supply Manager, Paul Devine, was sentenced to one year in prison in California for taking $1 million in kickbacks from Apple’s Asian suppliers in return for disclosing confidential information about Apple’s Ipods and “headsets.” The FBI is reported to have found more than $150,000 in shoe boxes in Mr. Devine’s house when he was arrested.
There was also a win for the defense. According to Fox News, the U. S. Attorney’s Office dropped criminal charges in Indianapolis against two former Eli Lilly and Co. employees who had been accused of disclosing secrets worth more than $55 million about experimental drugs to a Chinese competitor. The report indicates that a key witness changed his story.
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